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Welcome to the
Swiss Gay Archives

Gay history shapes gay identity. Every trace of this history is therefore not only moving, but also valuable and needs to be preserved: diaries, photos, interviews, club archives, magazines, films or pictures. The Swiss Gay Archives has been collecting such documents since 1993 and making them available to the interested public.


The Swiss Gay Archives collects materials from associations and individuals, unpublished academic works, photographs, diaries, letters, and much more. In addition to holdings of documents, the archive also provides access to newspapers, magazines and numerous monographs on the history of gay men in Switzerland.

How can you support us?

The Swiss Gay Archives is organized as an association and therefore relies on members and volunteers with an interest in gay history. You can support us in the following ways.


Become a Member

As a member, you support the archive with your membership fee and are regularly informed about our activities and invited to cultural events.

1982 Schwul ist cool ©Gertrud Vogler Sozarch_F_5107-Na-10-114-027.png


Preserving and providing access to the archival holdings involves costs. Your contribution supports the archive in this task.

Illustration social archive magazine 3

Contribute Archival Materials

Do you know any institutions or people whose work should be documented for posterity? We would be happy to help secure documents for the future.

Fotografie einer Schwulendemo (Luzern, 1983) mit dem Transparent "Arbeitsplatz statt Schwulenhatz"

Researching with the Swiss Gay Archives

Collections and archival materials thrive on their research by interested people. We would be happy to support you with your research concerns with advice and support.

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